
ideaMaker 5.2.0 Beta Release Notes

Jan 17, 2025


1. FFF New and Optimized Functions

1) New Tree Support function

  • Tree support has the advantages of easy disassembly, easy post-processing, and material saving, and is especially suitable for printing models that require fine surface treatment and complex geometric structures.
  • Added tree support related slice settings:


○ Branch Diameter, controls the minimum and maximum diameter range of the branch

■ Tree Support Branch Diameter:2 ~ 15mm


■ Tree Support Branch Diameter:2 ~ 10mm


○ Branch Angle, the maximum allowable tilt angle when the branch grows. The larger the angle, the flatter the branch may be.

■ Tree Support Branch Angle = 45 Degree


■ Tree Support Branch Angle = 60 Degree


○ Branch Density

■ Tree Support Branch Density = 30%


■ Tree Support Branch Density = 60%


○ Tree Support Branch Diameter Double Outlines: if the area of a tree branch exceeds the area of a circle with the specified diameter, the branch will be printed with at least double outlines to enhance stability.

■ When the option is set to 0, this feature is disabled.


  • The model already has support pillars added, which are generated together with tree support:

○ The support fill density of the support pillars and the support outlines are still controlled by the slicing template and are not affected by tree support.

○ Tree support itself does not have any support fill, so no internal fill will be generated regardless of the support fill density.

○ Comparison images before and after generating tree support for models with added support pillars:


  • Support modifier -> Mixed use of support structure and tree support:


2) Added slice setting ironing inset option

  • This feature allows for the adjustment of the distance between ironing and the model’s edges. By properly adjusting the ironing area, it can improve printing issues caused by material accumulation in the edge areas.
  • The default value is 50% of the line width


3) Added Retraction during Wipe

  • Purpose: Compared with one-time retraction, the new retraction method combined with Wipe can reduce material oozing and stringing during high-speed printing
  • After the option is turned on, the original path sequence is: Feature extrusion -> Wipe -> Retraction, which is changed to:

○ Feature extrusion

○ Retraction part

○ Retraction of the remaining retraction amount while wiping

For example, in the following example, the rollback amount in the slicing template = 0.8mm. After turning off the option, restore to the old version order: feature extrusion -> wipe -> rollback.

Note that the prerequisite for this option to take effect is that the corresponding feature needs to have wipe turned on first:


  • Comparison of actual printing effects

○ On the left, the option is not enabled, and there is a significant amount of stringing and oozing in the red box area.

○ On the right, the option is enabled along with Wipe, and there is almost no stringing or oozing on the surface.


4) Added slice settings for support, inner shell, and outer shell line width percentages

  • Provide options to set the line width of support, inner shell, and outer shell separately, based on Extruder -> Extrusion Width, multiply by their respective line width percentages


5) Improve the fill line angle rule of Raft Surface Layers

  • Improve the printing flatness of Raft.
  • The fill line angle between two adjacent layers of Raft Surface Layers is 90 degrees:
  • Raft Surface Layers first layer:


  • Raft Surface Layers second layer:



  • Raft Surface Layers third layer:


6) Avoid generating brim in narrow areas

  • Improve the problem that brim generated in narrow areas is difficult to remove after actual printing
  • Old Version:


  • New Version:


7) After opening the project (idea file), automatically select the printer, material, and slicing template corresponding to the project

  • For FFF-related project files, after ideaMaker is opened, it automatically searches for matching correspondence in the local printer list, material list, and slicing template list based on the printer, material, and slicing template information built into the idea file, and automatically switches to the corresponding printer, material, and slicing template.


8) Slicing template high-speed level changes

  • High-speed level rules are only applicable to official built-in models
  • According to the new high-speed level calculation rules: “【New】Hyper FFF high-speed level judgment rules”
  • Added L3 level
  • Templates above L3 level are displayed as “lightning” icons to distinguish them from L0 templates


  • Remote control-file list, the high-speed level corresponding to each gcode file is calculated according to the new rules


  • Slicing template advanced settings dialog box, check and prompt whether the inner shell speed, outer shell speed, and sparse fill speed exceed the threshold


9) Slicing template advanced setting dialog box optimization

  • Hide the wipe tower and multi-nozzle exchange fallback settings when the printer has only one nozzle
  • When adaptive support is turned on, the support infill ratio option is disabled



10) Some slice settings add charts to display the corresponding function curves

  • The curve will change in real time as the corresponding settings change
  • Small Area Solid Fill Flow Compensation:


11) Turn off automatic association of ‘support infill outlines’ and ‘dense support outlines’

  • In the old version, the following options will be associated in the Prepare Slice panel and Slicing Template Settings dialog box

○When modifying the support infill type, the support infill outlines will be associated with the change

○When modifying the dense support infill type, the dense support infill outlines will be associated with the change

  • Starting from the new version, all the above logical associations are cancelled


12) Add value checks to the printer settings dialog box:

○ For non-IDEX printers and non-Belt Printers, check whether the cross axis height is greater than half of the build height

○ If the heating chamber is enabled, check whether the heating chamber temperature is greater than 0



13) In the speed mode of GCode preview, the color of the travel control item is optimized

  • Modify the color of the travel block to distinguish it from the color of the speed block to avoid confusion


14) FFF Custom GCode function optimization

①. Improve FFF Custom GCode

  • Start GCode, End GCode, Filament GCode retain leading spaces or Tabs


  • Corresponding output gcode file


  • Start GCode, End GCode support IF conditional statements


②. FFF custom GCode commands support if statements for multiple lines of GCode

  • Use [if ……] and [endif] to end, user can support the output of multi-line GCode commands in if conditional statements
  • Supported setting range: Start GCode, End GCode, Extruder Switch GCode, Layer Change GCode, Retraction GCode, Repetition GCode


15) FFF firmware type is Klipper IDEX machine type, output M605 adjustment

  • M605 S1: normal printing
  • M605 S2: copy printing
  • M605 S3: mirror printing


2. DLP New and Optimized Functions

1) dlpcode workflow optimization

  • dlp slicing preview supports the preview of black and white pictures
    • Preview after slice:


  • Support preview of dlpcode files
    • Open external dlpcode file preview: If select No, the software only displays black and white images and does not reconstruct the model, which is suitable for quick inspection of dlpcode file scenarios


Click No:


Click Yes:


2) Added the function of displaying the version number of the resin template

  • For the official resin template, the version number corresponding to the template is displayed


3) Support multiple models to perform automatic orientation

  • The old version only supports automatic orientation for a single model. Starting from the new version, 2 or more models can be selected to perform automatic orientation together
  • When the number of selected models is greater than or equal to 2, when performing automatic orientation:

○ The orientation result page is not supported; for each model, multiple orientation results cannot be selected and switched

○ Since the result page cannot be displayed, each model gives priority to the first-ranked orientation result

○ During the automatic orientation process, the current orientation to which model is displayed


4) DLP shelling function optimization: support re-shelling of shelled models

  • For shelled models, user can modify the shelling settings and regenerate the model (old versions do not support re-shelling for shelled models)
  • Shelling parameters are exactly the same as the last shelling parameters of the model, warning and not allowing shelling, need to modify the shelling parameters again
  • Turning off Create Lattice Infill in the shelling parameters can quickly delete the lattice filling structure in the model
  • Punched models are not allowed to be shelled again
  • The idea file that was shelled and saved in the old version cannot be shelled again when the new version opens the idea file


Notes: For the shelled model, the logic modification after using other functions:

  • Shelling is still allowed after the model is simplified
  • After shelling, the existing DLP support will not be deleted
  • The merged model is not allowed to be shelled again
  • The punched model is not allowed to be shelled again


5) Added price unit setting for resin materials and calibrated price calculation

  • In order to unify the calibration price calculation, the price unit is added in the resin material setting dialog box; the default price unit for all resins is calculated per Kg


  • After the adjustment, the estimated price of the slice will increase relatively compared with the old version. The new estimated price is approximately equal to the old estimated price * the density of the resin material


3. FFF Slicing Templates Updates

1) Raise3D Pro3 HS Series templates

  • For Raise3D Premium ABS, Raise3D Premium PETG, Raise3D Industrial PETG ESD

○ Update the existing High Quality and Standard templates, optimize the overflow problems of narrow solid filling and small area solid filling and the rough quality of thin-wall printing, and shorten the printing time of Raft and overhanging structures to reduce the total printing time.

○ For engineering applications, provide templates with performance and accuracy tuning, and add Engineering templates  (Template Descriptions under Hyper FFF™ Process)

○ Remove Speed template. Note: If you want to continue to use Raise3D Speed templates that have been added, please manually save these templates as custom templates before upgrading the version.


2) Raise3D Pro3 Series with Hyper Speed Upgrade Kit templates

  • For Raise3D Hyper Speed ABS V2, Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA

○ Update the High Quality and Standard templates of [Raise3D] Hyper Speed ABS V2 and [Raise3D] Hyper Speed PLA. Main purpose: Optimize the print quality of narrow and small areas and reduce the print time.

○ For engineering applications, provide templates with performance and accuracy tuning, and add Engineering templates (Template Descriptions under Hyper FFF™ Process)


4. Other Newly Improved Features

1) Printer list, material list, and slicing template list classification display default built-in and user-defined

  • The printer drop-down list is divided into: system built-in printers, user-defined printers
  • The material drop-down list is divided into: system built-in materials, user-defined materials
  • The slicing template drop-down list is divided into: system built-in slicing templates, user-defined slicing templates
  • If there is only a system built-in template, the user-defined category is not displayed
  • If there is only a user-defined template, the system built-in category is not displayed
  • Prepare the slice panel:



  • Create/copy slicing template dialog box


  • Slicing template comparison dialog box


2) Project file opening speed improved

  • The speed of opening idea project files has been greatly improved: if the idea file contains a large number of models, the opening speed is 3~4 times faster than the old version
  • Import multiple model files at the same time, and the import speed is greatly improved, and the import speed can be increased by 3~5 times


3) Support for exporting separate stl files for multiple models

  • Function entry:

○ Menu bar->File

○ Right-click menu


4) Prepare for slice panel slice settings, layer settings, model nozzles and templates for form display optimization

  • Prepare for slice panel, the value column (second column) has a fixed width. When scaling the panel size, the width of the slice setting column (first column) will change, and the width of the value column will not change
  • Layer settings, the width of the second column remains unchanged, and the first column changes with the panel scaling
  • Layer settings dialog box, the width of the second column remains unchanged, and the first column changes with the size of the dialog box
  • Per-Model, the width of the first column remains unchanged, and the second column changes with the size of the panel
  • Modifier panel, the width of the second column remains unchanged, and the first column changes with the size of the panel


5) Measurement tool function optimization: support real-time display of measurement results on the model


6) Switch the processing of printer and FFF support

  • The current model has FFF support, and when switching to the DLP printer, it prompts whether to switch and delete FFF support:

○ Click Cancel: cancel the action of switching printers and return to the original FFF printer

○ Click Delete Support: automatically delete FFF support and switch to the target printer


7) Adjust the more menu on the prepare for slice panel

  • Prepare for slice panel – material more menu adjustments

○ Add menu entries for ofp import or io import

  • Prepare for slicing panel – slicing template more menu adjustments:

○ Save a revision, restore menu items move up, and delete the dividing line between the two

○ Share menu item moves to the bottom


8) Remote control optimization

  • Highlight gcode files in FFF Remote Connection file list


5. Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem of displaying the position mark before punching after slicing when multiple holes are printed at the same time.
  • Fix the problem of DLP slicing estimation display problem
  • Fix the problem of closed holes in DLP slicing.
  • Fix the slicing crash problem of FFF under some operations.
  • Fix the problem of FFF avoid travel through holes failure.
  • Fix the problem of crash when importing some STEP files.
  • Fix the problem that in the advanced setting dialog box of slicing template, some options will trigger other irrelevant buttons by mistake after enter.
  • Fix the problem that the scarf joint type of FFF layering setting does not work properly.
  • Fix the problem that the resin and slicing template correspond incorrectly due to material reset.
  • Fix the problem of flashing back if the model after shelling has been simplified and shelled again.
  • Fix the problem that the model itself contains several independent parts, which may cause the punching failure.
  • Fix some 3D display problems
  • Fix the problem of dynamic overhang speed judgment.
  • Fix the problem that there are islands or fragments in the editing support page.
  • Fix the problem that Raft has no fallback
  • Fixed the issue where the non-printing nozzle would heat up prematurely during printing, causing clogging.
  • Fix the problem that the parameter value of Narrow Solid fill flowrate cannot be saved.
  • Fix the problem that the OFP inlet is not displayed under the FFF process.
  • Fix the problem of not being able to remotely connect to local printers when using the system’s global proxy.