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ideaMaker 4.3.0 Beta Release Notes

Aug. 10, 2022

Beta Release notes
New requested features and debugging based on user feedback.

Download ideaMaker 4.3.0 Beta



1. Slice Settings

1. Added First Layer XY Size Compensation for Contours and First Layer XY Size Compensation for Holes options to control the printing compensation for outlines and holes for first layer to avoid Elephant Foot.


2. Added First Layer Solid Flowrate to control the flowrate for the Solid Fill at first layer.


3. Added Wipe Nozzle for Thin Wall option to enable Wipe Nozzle feature when printing Thin Wall structures.


4. Added Infill Minimal Width option to remove the narrow Infill sections inside Model.


5. Expand the solid fill regions to fill the hole whose width is smaller than the defined value. This option will not bring unnecessary solid fills like the option Solid Fill Expansion, and only the region to fill holes will be expanded.


6. Added Monotonic print options for Top, Bottom Solid Fills and Ironing under Advanced to be able to print Solid Fill lines with Monotonic Order to get better surfaces.


7. Added Top Surface Solid Fill Expansion options to increase the ratio of Solid Fills in Top Surface layers which can avoid different solid infill settings in different areas.


8. Added Bottom Surface Solid Fill Expansion option to increase the ratio of Solid Fills in Solid Fills. When Bottom Surface being recognized as Bridging, this option can increase the Bridging areas too.


9. Added Print Outer Shell Before Inner Shell in the First Layers option for Skirt which only supports Brim before.


10. Added Wait for movement finished before changing fan speed option. Some firmware modifies fan speed before the movement code completes when processing code M106. Once this option enabled, ideaMaker will add code M400 in front of code M106 to make sure the movement codes will be completed first then process code M106 to modify Fan Speed.


11. Added Raft X/Y Axis Movement Speed option to set different X/Y travel speed when printing Raft.


12. Added Jerk Settings support for Delta printers option.

ideaMaker will output code M205 XYZ to control the jerk value of Delta Printers when this option is enabled.

With other printers, the option will be disabled by default. ideaMaker will still output code M205 XY to control jerk value.


13. Added Force printing Wipe Wall for single extruder prints option to allow user to add Wipe Wall while printing with Single Extruder to decrease the effect of stringings to print quality.


14. Added Validate Heatup GCode in Start GCode option to control whether adding a check for the heating code in start gcode or not. This option will be enabled by default.


15. Added Turn off Nozzle Heating in End GCode option to choose whether disable nozzle heating in End Gcode or not. This option will be disabled by default.


16. Added new Placeholders

{machine_print_mode}: the current print mode is normal. Duplicate and Mirror.

{total_layers}: total layers of this print

{template_name}: name of the slicing template

{new_temperature}: new target nozzle temperature after nozzle swap


17. Added External Terminal Command option which supports calling external command or program to further process the file before exporting or uploading Gcode file. Users can add 3rd party program such like ArcWelder.

Commands can be added under Advanced -> GCode -> PostProcess -> External Terminal Command. ideaMaker will call the external command when exporting or uploading this GCode file.

For example:

your_path_to_arcwelder\ArcWelder\bin\ArcWelder.exe „{gcode_file_full_path}“


18. Added support for Other Variables for placeholder in Start GCode and End GCode under Customer GCode.


19. Added High Quality and Speed templates for Raise3D Industrial PPA GF and Raise3D Industrial PPA CF for Raise3D E2CF.


20. Optimized Standard templates for Raise3D Industrial PPA GF, Raise3D Industrial PPA CF and Raise3D Industrial PA12 CF.


21. Added Standard template for Raise3D TPU 95A for Raise3D Pro3.


22. Optimized Speed, Standard and High Quality templates for Raise3D PLA (3 templates) for Raise3D Pro3.


23. Added Speed, Standard and High Quality templates for Raise3D PA12 CF+ for Raise3D E2CF.


24. Optimized Filament for Raise3D PA12 CF Support Filament for Raise3D E2CF.


2. Per-layer settings

1. Added support for manual adjust the sequential for Per-layer Settings.


2. Added support for editing the name of Per-layer Settings.


3. Updated from picking the last Per-layer settings to be duplicating the selected Per-layer settings when adding new Per-layer Settings.


3. Others

1. Added native Apple Silicon M1 support.


2. Added single instance mode which only allows to operate one ideaMaker application at the same time.

Under single instance mode added an option to clear the existing models on platform when importing new models.


3. Added Default Action after importing models or projects option under Preferences -> Interface to always open the same panel after importing model or project. Users can select from Model Info, position and Prepare to Slice.


4. Added Confirm adding supports for floated models option under Preferences -> Confirm and Tips to enable/disable the reminder of adding support for floating models. This option will be enabled by default.


5. Added Confirm saving project when closing ideaMaker option under Preferences -> Confirm and Tips to select whether save the current project or not when exiting ideaMaker. This option will be enabled by default.


6. Added support for HTTP and SOCKS under Network -> Proxy.


7. Moved Enable printer discovery option to under Preferences -> Network.


8. Moved Max Fit feature from Tool Bar to Scale panel.


9. Added support to redirect to documents on ideaMaker Library from Printer Settings and Filament Settings.


10. Added support for negative value for X Space and Y Space under Array.


4. ideaMaker Library

1. Added support to add slicing templates from ideaMaker Library Open Filament Program to E2CF and other printers.


Bug Fixes


1. Added code G92 E0 to reset E value during nozzle switch to avoid wrong retraction value in GCode when the retraction values of the two nozzles are different.


2. Fixed model size checking when importing models.


3. Fixed Travel, Retraction, Seams buttons grey out issue in GCode preview when operation with some Windows OS.


4. Fixed the left panel at main interface not responding issue when using ideaMaker in some Windows OS.


5. Fixed the uploading issue to RaiseCloud with some operation systems.


6. Fixed not putting the Start Point of Belt Wall not at the center of Belt Wall on Belt Printer.


7. Fixed per-layer temperature calculation issue when adding nozzle temperature values under Per-layer Settings.


8. Fixed Z movement error when setting Right Extruder Z Hop value as 0 during Dual-Extruder printing.


9. Fixed the speed value miscalculated issue with some models when using Small Features.