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ideaMaker 4.2.0 Beta Release Notes

Aug. 24, 2021

Release notes
New requested features and debugging based on user feedback.

Download ideaMaker 4.2.0 Beta




1. Integrated ideaMaker Library into ideaMaker

Users can find slicing templates from ideaMaker Library while configurating, adding new printer and filament. Users can also have access to Profile Generator to create custom slicing template when there’s no existing template available.


2. Mesh Boolean Operations

Added Boolean operations for models, including support for Union, Subtract, and Intersect. Users can enable the feature via the Boolean button from Tool Bar instead of locating it under Modifier as in the old versions.


3. Texture

Added new Texture Mapping type, Cube (No Mirroring) to solve the mirroring problem happening between two faces next to each other.


4. Belt 3D Printer

1. Added the center point of outlines of support structure next to the belt sections when Place Seam on Belt Edge being enabled to be an option to be selected as Start Points, to avoid the failure to connecting structures due to starting printing at overhanging.

2. Fixed the problem of Start Points of Outer Shells and Inner Shells not at the center points of Belt Wall.

3. Fixed some display issue of slicing for the Belt 3D Printer and the Sequential Printing.


5. Slice Settings

1. Added Search feature under Advanced Settings to quick locate where the setting you are looking for is.

2. Added Template Name modification feature under Advanced.

Note: Names for default templates are not editable.

3. Added support Print Parts in Same Order for Each Layer for the different parts of one model to be printed out with the same order for each layer.

This feature only supports printing different models in same order for each layer. The new feature can improve the cooling of different parts on the model.

4. Added an option to control cooling the inactive extruder or not when stop printing Wipe Wall and Wipe Tower.

For “2 In 1 Out” extruders, stopping printing Wipe Wall and Wipe Tower won’t cool down the nozzles directly.

5. Added placeholders for estimated print time and filament.

print_time_total: Estimated Print Time

filament_used_mm_total: Estimated length of filament going to be used (left extruder + right extruder)

filament_used_gram_total: Estimated weight of filament going to be used (left extruder + right extruder)

filament_used_cost_total: Estimated total cost of filament going to be used (left extruder + right extruder)

filament_used_mm1: Estimated length of filament going to be used on left extruder

filament_used_gram1: Estimated weight of filament going to be used on left extruder

filament_used_cost1: Estimated total cost of filament going to be used on left extruder

filament_used_mm2: Estimated length of filament going to be used on right extruder

filament_used_gram2: Estimated weight of filament going to be used on right extruder

filament_used_cost2: Estimated total cost of filament going to be used on right extruder

6. Added Wipe Nozzle settings for Support, Infill and Solid Fill for the previous Outer Shell Distance Settings.

7. Added Placeholder for Print Progress, placeholder: {print_progress}

It can be used under Layer Change GCode and Extruder Switch GCode.

8. Added size of the preview image of the printing file under Printing Settings -> Advanced.

The feature only support modifying the information in .data files for Raise3D printers.

9. Added support for the ability to modify the name for the extruder.

Note: The feature doesn’t support Raise3D Printers. Users need to confirm the format of the code the printers can read before modifying.


Bug Fixes


1. Fixed the missing G10/G11 code issue with firmware retraction enabled when Retraction Amount being set to be 0.

2. Fixed uninitialized stack frame error when running ideaMaker with Linux system.

3. Fixed crashing issue when moving model in ideaMaker with Windows and macOS systems.

4. Fixed the error of calculating estimated printing time and filament due to Reset GCode E Length on Layer Change.

5. Fixed messy code in file name when exporting gcode files.

6. Fixed overlong slicing time for some models.

7. Fixed some translation errors for Tool Bar in macOS.

8. Fixed modifiers failed to be deleted in Duplicated Model.

9. Fixed placeholders in End GCode not being correctly converted.

10. Fixed the issue of missing extrusion code after retraction before printing the next model for the Sequential Printing.

11. Fixed the issue of wrong color display in Preview of .data file sliced in some Linux and macOS systems.