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COVID-19 and Raise3D’s Support to Fight the Pandemic

Apr. 6, 2020

COVID-19 and Raise3D’s Support to Fight the Pandemic


Dear All,

We hope you and those close to you are safe and in good health in this challenging period.


The fast growth of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought most of the world to a halt, severely disrupting the present lives of billions of people and certainly affecting our common future in a way that’s still difficult to foresee.

At Raise3D, thanks to the three headquarters in three different continents, we were able to follow all recommendations from the health authorities and still remain ready and eager for business as usual.

Contrary to Raise3D, many, many businesses and manufacturers had to stop. The lower production capacity, together with the sudden increase in demand of Personal Protection Equipment, has led to a worldwide shortage of this essential item for health professionals, and with which traditional manufacturing was unable to cope.

Nevertheless, while the world observed a general shutdown, a solid wave of new manufacturing capacity emerged: Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D Printing, as it is also popularly known.

The flexibility provided by manufacturing systems based on AM allowed for massive local production of face shields, breathing valves, masks, goggles, mask connectors, among other items, and its fast delivery to hospitals and health professionals who were in need. This production was provided by thousands of small companies and individuals (mostly “makers”) who had 3D printers, and the people in this crowd were able to quickly interact with each other until an appropriate model to be produced was found, and then immediately out into production. Many people without experience and only able to make small investments also joined the large crowd, contributing to the protection of health professionals and the improvement of intensive care units’ equipment.

The visibility of the 3D printing community quick action made, and is still making, other companies, NGOs and governmental institutions decide to also invest in small manufacturing systems based on desktop 3D printers, to strengthen overall production capacity further.

According to Edward Feng, Raise3D CEO, “the situation around the globe is teaching us a lot of lessons, perhaps most of all the value of life and freedom. However, it’s also showing us the importance of desktop FDM 3D Printing and the enormous role it can play in unexpected situations, such as the current pandemic.”

To support the fight against the pandemic, Raise3D introduced two new landing pages in its website:

  1. A map with available 3D printing services around the world (if you think you should also be listed, please fill in the form);
  2. A page with free-to-share files of relevant parts used in the fight against the pandemic (if you have resources to share, please email us at covid-19@raise3d.com)

Additionally, we will very soon announce a new feature in RaiseCloud, which will benefit the whole 3D Printing Community.

Raise3D takes this opportunity to thank all the 3D Printing Community, and in particular, our Customers and Sales Partners for the ongoing valuable and inspiring collaboration against the pandemic, and wish everyone the best of luck!

Stay safe! And help others be safe!

Raise3D Team

About Raise3D

Raise3D designs and manufactures top-performing 3D printers and provides 3D printing solutions for corporations. With offices in California, Rotterdam, and Shanghai, Raise3D is positioned to be a leader in developing flexible manufacturing solutions with desktop 3D printing. For more additional information, please visit: www.raise3d.com