Mehr als Geschwindigkeit: 3D-Druck von großen Verbundwerkstoffteilen leicht gemacht
Ein großvolumiger Drucker in Industriequalität für unterbrechungsfreie Produktivität
ideaMaker provides a series of convenient tools on the tool bar for you to adjust the size of the model, moving the position of the model, changing the angle of the model, and cut the model (This manual takes ideaMaker 4.0.0 Beta as an example).
1) Click this button, hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse, you can rotate the main interface 360° to view the model from different angles.
Click this button, you can hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to pan the view and browse the model
Select the model, hold down the left button and drag the mouse to move the position of the model.
Red represents the X axis, green represents the Y axis, and blue represents the Z axis.
Set the exact X/Y/Z coordinate value to move the selected model.
Note: Check “Inches”, the unit of model movement will be inches.
Introduction to options:
with this function enabled, the selected model will be placed in the center of extruder’s printing range instead of build plate’s range.
moves the model to the center of the build plate.
dropping the model on the build plate.
arrange models automatically when you print several models simultaneously.
aligning the models to the default position in 3D designing software when printing several models simultaneously.
with this button enabled, you can rotate the model by dragging the color circle with the left mouse button.
Red represents the X axis, green represents the Y axis, and blue represents the Z axis.
Enter the exact value in the input box to rotate the model.
In the “Local Transformation” tab, the model will rotate according to its own coordinate axis.
Roll: Rotate along the Y axis of the model itself.
Pitch: Rotate along the X axis of the model itself.
Yaw: Rotate along the Z axis of the model itself.
with this button enabled, you can click the up and down arrows in the menu bar to zoom the model.
You can also enter values in the left dialog box to change the size of the model.
Note: Check “Inches”, the unit of model movement will be inches.
scale the width, depth and height in the same scale. The percentages at beside the size show the relative scale of the original size.
Local Transformation refers to scale the model based on model’s coordinate axis.
click this button, a plane will appear, which divides the model into two parts.
There will be three options to cut the selected model.
Option 1: Move the red, blue, green arrow to move the cutting plate.
Option 2: Click the red, blue, green circle to rotate the cutting plate.
Option 3: Enter accurate values in the input box to move the position of the cutting plate and rotate the cutting plate.
Right-click the selected model, you can see more shortcuts, such as: Duplicate, Delete, Array, Transform, Free Cut, etc. You can conveniently adjust the size, angle and the position of the model in the right-click menu.
Note: Array refers to arranging the selected model and the duplicated models into a specified array.
When no model is selected, Right-click to see more shortcut functions, such as „Add standard Primitives“, „Per-Group Settings“, „Modifier“, etc.