Raise3D Glossary

Regardless of experience, understanding technical terminology is essential for anyone involved in 3D printing. Technical terminology is not often found in a standard dictionary. The Raise3D Glossary provides definitions of the most common terms for everything related to our 3D printing technology and products. Access all the vocabulary related to our 3D printers below and get ready to know more about the 3D printing world.



Acceleration Override Filament Settings- A settings section where you can override acceleration settings.

Adaptive infill– A type of infill that changes layer-by-layer due to a model’s needs.

Adaptive infill layers– The number of layers before reducing the density of infill structure.

Adaptive infill minimal width- The minimum width allowed for the adaptive infill region. It will replace the narrow adaptive infill regions which are smaller than the value with other regions that have different density. Set the value to 0 to disable this function in ideaMaker.

Adaptive infill reduction count- The number of reductions for reducing the infill structure density.

Adaptive Support Inner Horizontal Expansion- expand each infill part in adaptive support structure in X&Y directions to avoid narrow support region.

Adaptive Support Layers- The number of layers before reducing the density of the support structure.

Adaptive Support Minimum Widt- The minimum width allowed for the adaptive support region. It will replace the narrow adaptive support regions which are smaller than the value with other regions that have different density. Set the value to 0 to disable this function in ideaMaker.

Adaptive Support Reduction Count- The number of reductions for reducing the support structure density. Each reduction will half the infill ratio of support structures.

Add Modifiers- A function in ideaMaker to apply modifier settings on the parent model. For more details, visit this page: https://support.raise3d.com/ideaMaker/4-2-8-modifier-15-827.html.

Add Sparse Connection- Add sparse connection in the support structure to strengthen the support.

Advanced Settings- Click to enter the advanced settings page in ideaMaker where you can customize the templates for the best printing results.

Align Together- Align Together refers to aligning the models to the default position in 3D designing software when printing several models simultaneously.

All Support- Choose to add supports to all necessary places automatically.

Arrange All Models- Arrange All Models will arrange models automatically when you print several models simultaneously.

Auto Supports- Choose to allow ideaMaker to determine where to add support structure.

Avoid Unnecessary Retraction in Support– with this function enabled, the extruder will reduce unnecessary retractions when printing support fills lines. Note: 1. This function can avoid filament grinding and reduce printing time. But it will make oozing between supports. 2. If travel moves across models or holes when printing supports, the retraction will be enabled still to avoid collision with printed parts.

Avoid Traveling Through Holes- with this function enabled the printhead will travel over the part to prevent stinging on the inside of hole features.

Avoid unnecessary retraction in support- with this function enabled, the extruder will reduce unnecessary retractions when printing support fill lines.


Blip Fan Speed to 100% when starting from low speed- with this function enabled fan speed will be increased to be 100% automatically if the current fan speed is lower than low fan speed threshold.

BondTech Dual Extruder_For N Series-

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BondTech Dual Extruder_For N Series

BondTech Single Extruder_For N Series-

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BondTech Single Extruder_For N Series

Bottom Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage- refers to the percentage of solid bottom layers extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid bottom layers extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Bottom Solid Fill Flowrate- refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the solid part at the bottom of the model.

Bottom Solid Fill Layers– refers to the number of solid layers at the bottom of the model.

Bottom Solid Fill Pattern Type- refers to the infill pattern for the solid layers at the bottom of the model.

Brass Nozzle_For N Series

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Brass Nozzle_For N Series

Bottom Solid Fill Speed– refers to the printing speed for solid bottom layers.

Bounding Box-  refers to the size of the model. Note: During the rotating model or scaling local transform, this page will show Local Bounding Box.

Brass Nozzle V3_For E2

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Brass Nozzle V3_For E2

Bridging Speed– refers to the speed of printing the bridging.

Brim Loop Lines- refers to the number of skirt loops.

Build Plate For N1_For N Series-

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Build Plate For N1_For N Series

Build Plate For N2/N2P EAN_For N Series-

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Build Plate For N2/N2P EAN_For N Series

E2 Buildtak Printing Surface_For E2-

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E2 Buildtak Printing Surface_For E2

Build Surface _For N and Pro2 Series-

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Build Surface _For N and Pro2 Series


Check Thin wall– means that check if the width of the model parts is less than the defined thin wall width and extrude one single extrusion width to instead.

Clear Supports– remove all supports added.

Coasting Distance– refers that with this function enabled the last part of the extrusion path will be replaced with a travel path only with no extrusion as Figure 5.17. The distance of the extrusion path’s last part is the Coasting Distance. Enabling the function of Coasting Distance can decrease the filament leaking when the nozzle travels from one point to another point.

Coasting Distance

Combine infill layers- refers that multiple layers of infill structure will be combined and printed with thicker layer thickness to reduce print time. For example: If you set Combine Infill layer to be 5, the first four layers would no print infill, then the fifth layer will print a thicker layer thickness infill structure.



Cool Down before Extruder Switch- Only enable this on Raise3D E2 3d printers. With this function enabled, it will cool down the active extruder before the extruder switch.

Cool Down Inactive Extruder- refers to which this function enabled the inactive extruder will be cooled down during printing.

Cooling- A setting group under Advanced Settings where you can modify settings for the fan speed.

Coupler_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Coupler_For N and Pro2 Series

Coupling_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Coupling_For N and Pro2 Series

Create Auto Supports– To allow ideaMaker to generate support structure.

Crossing Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Crossing Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series

Cutting Plane-

Cutting Plane


Default Printing Speed– refers to the speed of printing non-specified area.

Dense Support- an interface support structure between the model and the support structure for the purpose of support easy removal and smoother model surface finish.

Dense Support Extruder- refers to the number of layers for the dense support structure. It will only exist in the layers approaching the model surface which can make the support connecting points smoother after removing the supports.

Dense Support Infill Outlines- with this function enabled, ideaMaker will print some shells surround the dense support.

Dense Support Infill Ratio- refers to the infill density of the dense support layers.

Dense Support Infill Type- refers to selecting the infill pattern for the dense support layers.

Dense Support Inner Horizontal Expansion– with this function enabled the dense support would be expanded in XY direction to avoid narrow dense support regions and it can be removed easier.

Dense Support Layers– with this function enabled the dense support would be expanded in XY direction to avoid narrow dense support regions and it can be removed easier.

Dual Extruder Cover_For N Series

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Dual Extruder Cover_For N Series

Dual Extruder Upgrade Assembly_For N Series.

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Dual Extruder Upgrade Assembly_For N Series


Enable Bridging Detection- With this function enabled, the system will detect the bridge structure automatically.

Enable Cooling Fans- refers that with this function enabled, the controllable cooling fans speed like Maximum Fan Speed, Fan Control, and Blip fan speed to 100% when starting from low speed) can be edited.

Enable Retraction at Bottom and Top of Models- refers that with this function enabled the retraction will be triggered at the model’s top and bottom layers even if the retractions are disabled inside models.

Endstop Switch_For N Series

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Endstop Switch_For N Series

Extra restart amount- refers to the amount of extrusion compensation after the retraction.

Extruder switch ooze control- refers to the amount of additional filament compensation after the retraction for an extruder change.

Extruder Carriage_For N Series.

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Extruder Carriage_For N Series

Extruder Connection Cable N1_For N Series-

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Extruder Connection Cable N1_For N Series

E2 Door Handle-For E2-

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E2 Door Handle-For E2

Extruder Feeding Gear_For N Series-

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Extruder Feeding Gear_For N Series

Extruder Motor_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Extruder Motor_For N and Pro2 Series

Extruder Motor Cable 2.6 m_For N Series-

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Extruder Motor Cable 2.6 m_For N Series

Extruder Side Cooling Fan_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Extruder Side Cooling Fan_For N and Pro2 Series

Extruder Stepper Driver_For N Series-

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Extruder Stepper Driver_For N Series

Extruder Connection Board_For N Series-

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Extruder Connection Board_For N Series

Extrusion width- refers to the width of the extruded line. The default extrusion width will be the same as the diameter of the original 0.4mm nozzle. If you have changed your nozzle to be another size in Printer Settings, please also remember to edit the Extrusion width.

E2 3D Printer-

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E2 3D Printer

E2 Air Filter_For E2-

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E2 Air Filter_For E2

E2 Air Left Filter Fan_For E2-

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E2 Air Left Filter Fan_For E2

E2 Auto-leveling System_For E2-

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E2 Auto-leveling System_For E2

E2 Camera Cable_For E2-

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E2 Camera Cable_For E2

E2 Heated Bed Cables_For E2-

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E2 Heated Bed Cables_For E2

E2 X-Axis Belt Clips_For E2-

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E2 X-Axis Belt Clips_For E2

E2 Z-Axis Leadscrew Motor-For E2-

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E2 Z-Axis Leadscrew Motor-For E2

XY Axis Motor V2_For E2

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XY Axis Motor V2_For E2

E2 X-Axis Motor Left Cable_For E2-

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E2 X-Axis Motor Left Cable_For E2

E2 X-Axis Motor Right Cable_For E2

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E2 X-Axis Motor Right Cable_For E2

E2 Y-Axis Motor Cable_For E2-

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E2 Y-Axis Motor Cable_For E2

E2 Z-Axis Motor Cable_For E2

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E2 Z-Axis Motor Cable_For E2

E2 Extruder Connection Cable_For E2-

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E2 Extruder Connection Cable_For E2

E2 Extruder Motor_For E2

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E2 Extruder Motor_For E2

E2 Filament Box_For E2-

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E2 Filament Box_For E2

E2 Filament Box Cover Left_For E2

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E2 Filament Box Cover Left_For E2

E2 Filament Box Cover Right_For E2-

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E2 Filament Box Cover Right_For E2

E2 Filament Run-Out Sensor Board_For E2-

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E2 Filament Run-Out Sensor Board_For E2

E2 Flexible Plate_For E2-

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E2 Flexible Plate_For E2

E2 Flexible Plate+Printing surface_For E2

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E2 Flexible Plate+Printing surface_For E2

E2 Front Door Front Panel_For E2-

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E2 Front Door Front Panel_For E2

E2 Front Door Back Panel_For E2-

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E2 Front Door Back Panel_For E2

E2 Front Cover_For E2-

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E2 Front Cover_For E2

E2 Hinged Lid_For E2-

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E2 Hinged Lid_For E2

E2 Left Extruder Model Cooling Fan_ For E2-

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E2 Left Extruder Model Cooling Fan_ For E2

E2 Left Hotend Assembly

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E2 Left Hotend Assembly

E2 Left Extruder Front Cooling Fan_For E2-

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E2 Left Extruder Front Cooling Fan_For E2

E2 Left Extruder Connection Cable_For E2-

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E2 Left Extruder Connection Cable_For E2

E2 Power Supply Unit_For E2-

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E2 Power Supply Unit_For E2

E2/Pro2 Series Camera-

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E2/Pro2 Series Camera

E2 Right Extruder Connection Cable_For E2-

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E2 Right Extruder Connection Cable_For E2

E2 Right Hotend Assembly_For E2-

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E2 Right Hotend Assembly_For E2

E2 Heating Rod_For E2-

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E2 Heating Rod_For E2

E2 Left Extruder Connection Board_For E2-

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E2 Left Extruder Connection Board_For E2

E2 Right Extruder Connection Board_For E2-

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E2 Right Extruder Connection Board_For E2

E2 Left Print Head _For E2-

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E2 Left Print Head _For E2

E2 Model Cooling Fan Duct_For E2-

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E2 Model Cooling Fan Duct_For E2

E2 Motion Controller Board_For E2-

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E2 Motion Controller Board_For E2

E2 Right Print Head_For E2

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E2 Right Print Head_For E2

E2 Silicone Heated Bed_For E2-

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E2 Silicone Heated Bed_For E2

E2 Thermocouple_For E2-

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E2 Thermocouple_For E2

E2 X Endstop_For E2-

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E2 X Endstop_For E2

E2 Y/Z Endstop_For E2-

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E2 Y/Z Endstop_For E2

E2 Right Extruder Front Cooling _For E2

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E2 Right Extruder Front Cooling _For E2

Ethernet Cable_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Ethernet Cable_For N and Pro2 Series

E2 Y/Z Shaft_For E2-

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E2 Y/Z Shaft_For E2


Fan Control– only the downward model fan on a single extruder printer of N series and the two side fans of the Pro2 series are controllable. The side extruder cooling fan on the N series is constantly on.

Filament Guiding Tube_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Filament Guiding Tube_For N and Pro2 Series

Filament Holder_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Filament Holder_For N and Pro2 Series

Filament Run-out Sensor_For N Series-

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Filament Run-out Sensor_For N Series

Fill gaps in shells- refers that with this function enabled, there will no gaps between shells.

Enable “Fill Gaps in Shells”

Fill gaps in shells

Unable “Fill Gaps in Shells”


First layer extrusion width percentage- refers to the percentage of first layer extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the first layer extrusion width is 0.48mm.

First Layer Flowrate- refers to setting the flow rate at the first layer set as a percentage of filament flowrate. Flowrate refers to how much plastic the printer is told to the extruder.

First layer shells- refers to the number of loops for the models’ first layer wall.

First Layer Solid Fill Extrusion width percentage- allow changing the percentage of bottom solid fill extrusion width at the first layer

First layer solid fill pattern type- refers to the solid fill pattern for the model’s first layer

First Layer Speed- refers to the printing speed for the model’s first layer.

Force Retraction Before Traveling to Outer Shell– refers that the reaction will automatically be triggered before the extruder starts to move to the outer shell.

Force Retraction if Travel Length Exceed- with this function enabled, the extruder will retract if the length of the travel path which moved around the holes is longer than the defined value.

Force Retraction on Layer Change- refers that the retraction will automatically be triggered when the current layer print completes and the next layer starts.

Front Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Front Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series


Gap Filling Speed- refers to the speed of printing the gap filling.

Generate Supports under small Floating features- you can set several setting groups for your model. You can set different settings for each setting group. One group can include several models and one model can only be assigned to one set group.

Global Offset- means you can apply X/Y/Z offset to all coordinates in the gcodes.


Heat Up Inactive Extruder In Advance– refers to the inactive extruder that will be heated up before moving to the park position.

Heated Bed Temperature– refers temperature of a heated bed when printing.

Heated Bed Cable_For N Series-

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Heated Bed Cable_For N Series

Heater Rod_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Heater Rod_For N and Pro2 Series

Heater Rod Power Supply Cable_For N and Pro2 Series

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Heater Rod Power Supply Cable_For N and Pro2 Series

Horizontal Expansion- refers that with this function enabled the support would be larger in the Horizontal direction and it can be removed easier.

Horizontal Offset- refers to the distance between the support structure and the model parts in the X/Y direction.

Hot End Silicon Cover (3pcs/set)- For N and Pro2 Series-

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Hot End Silicon Cover (3pcs/set)- For N and Pro2 Series


Increase Fan Speed- refers that with this function enabled fan speed would be increased between the max and current fan speed. Note: This function only works for when a single layer used time is less than minimal layer print time.

Infill- internal structure to fill the model inside its shell.

Infill angle- refers that you can define the direction of each layer of the infill structure. If you add 30, 60, 90deg, the angle of the first layer of the infill structure will be 30deg. The second layer will be 60deg. The third layer will be 90deg. The fourth layer will be back to 30deg and the angle of the following layers changes in the order.

Infill Density- refers to the density of infill inside the model, the more infill the more solid the model will be.

Infill Extruder: refers to selecting which extruder to print infill.

Infill extrusion width percentage- refers to the percentage of infill extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the infill extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Infill flowrate- refers to the flow rate of printing the infill structure. Flowrate refers to how much plastic the printer is told to the extruder. 100% equals to the default amount.

infill offset x- refers to with this function enabled the slicer will apply X offset to infill structure.

Infill offset y– refers to with this function enabled the slicer will apply Y offset to infill structure.

Infill outline shells- refers to the number of infill outline shells around the infill structures to improve the adhesion of infill structures.

Infill overlap- refers to the percentage of overlap between the infill and the shell.

Infill pattern type– refers to selecting the infill pattern for the interior of the model.

Infill Ratio– refers to the density of the infill structure.

Infill ratio range- refers to the range of minimum and maximum of infill ratio.

Infill Speed- refers to the printing speed for the model’s infill structure.

Inactive Cooling Temp (Left/Right)- refers to cooling down the inactive left/right extruder to the target temperature.

Inner Shell Speed- refers to the printing speed for the inner shell of the model.

Interlaced Support Infill Angle– refers that you can define the direction of each layer of the infill structure which can decrease the potential of hangs in corners due to all support in the same direction. If you add 30, 60, 90deg, the angle of the first layer of support will be 30deg. The second layer will be 60deg. The third layer will be 90deg. The fourth layer will be back to 30deg and the angle of the following layers changes in the order.

Ironing – with this function enabled, ideaMaker will print an ‘ironing’ layer with a small amount of flowrate in low speed after finishing the top layer



Jerk- Jerk is the maximum instantaneous velocity change.


Keep Holes In Raft Structure– refers to generating the raft with holes inside according to the shape of your model. With being unchecked, there will be generating a whole piece of Raft without holes inside in case overlapping lines between different printing sections on Raft.

Normal Raft

Keep Holes In Raft Structure Normal Raft

Keep Holes in Raft Structure

Keep Holes In Raft Structure


Layer Height- refers to the thickness of every single layer. Someone calls it resolution as well.

Layer Start Point– refers to the position where the nozzle will start the move from at each layer.

Layer start point type- “Layer Start Point Type has three options that can be set as. Nearest refers that the layer start point will be placed at an optimal position to save the time of movement. Fixed refers that the layer start point will be placed as close as possible to the specified position. Note: If you select Fixed as your start point type, you can set X & Y’s value to define a position. ideaMaker will set the closest position based on the position you set. Random refers that the layer start point will be placed randomly over the model.”

LED Strip_For E2-

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LED Strip_For E2

LED Strip_For N and Pro2 Series-

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LED Strip_For N and Pro2 Series

Left Extruder- the extruder on the left side of the printer which is also called the primary extruder.

Left Extruder Temperature– printing temperature set for the left extruder/left hot end.

Left Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Left Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series

Lithium Battery_For N Series-

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Lithium Battery_For N Series

Local Transform- refers to the zoom scale based on the model’s coordinate axis.

For example, we import a cube (X: 20mm, Y:10mm, Z:30mm) as Figure 4.39. Then rotate model 90 degrees in the X-direction. The world dimension is X: 20mm, Y: 5mm, Z: 60mm; Local dimension is X: 20mm, Y: 60mm, Z: 5mm.

Note: The World Transform data generated in a new version of ideaMaker may not be able to be recognized properly in versions older than 3.40 which may cause the scale value changes when importing this .idea file.

Local Transform

Drag arrows or adjust values on left to change the size of the cube.


Main Template- The main Template includes the printing settings inside and the default one can be selected to print your model directly.

Manual Supports– enable the function to add/remove support structure manually.

Max Overhang Angle- defines which parts of the model will be added support onto.

Merge Internal Overlapping Parts– refers to the max percentage of overlap between shells. When the overlap percentage of the lines from one single shell loop is larger than the set value, the shell will be replaced to be a solid fill structure.

Merge nearby lines- refers that the distance of two nearby lines less than the value you set, they would be merged.

Merge Open Segments of Model Parts- means merging the non-closed polygons in the model parts.

Minimal amount of retraction– refers to the minimal amount of extrusion that defines if the filament needs to be retracted. If the amount of extrusion for printing is less than the minimal amount of retraction, the retraction will be ignored by the system automatically. This avoids retracting a lot on the same piece of filament which flattens the filament and causes grinding issues.

Minimal Layer Print Time– refers to the minimum time spending in a layer to provide enough cooling time for the just printed out features in this layer before the next layer starts.

Minimal segment length- refers that the minimal length of the extruded line segment.

Minimal travel to retraction– refers to the minimum distance of extruder motor reserves that defines if the filament needs to be retracted. Set this item to make sure you do not get a lot of retractions in a small area.

Move to Park Position– with this function enabled, the inactive extruder will move to a specific position to heating up the extruder.

Motion Board Cooling Fan_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Motion Board Cooling Fan_For N and Pro2 Series

Motion Controller Board_For N Series-

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Motion Controller Board_For N Series


N1 Build Surface_For N Series-

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N1 Build Surface_For N Series

N2/N2 Plus Extruder Board Cable_For N Series-

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N2/N2 Plus Extruder Board Cable_For N Series

N2 Heated Bed_For N Series-

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N2 Heated Bed_For N Series

N Series Webcam_For N Series-

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N Series Webcam_For N Series

N1 Top Cover_For N Series-

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N1 Top Cover_For N Series

N1 Touchscreen Assembly_For N Series-

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N1 Touchscreen Assembly_For N Series

N1 Thermocoupler Version 2_For N Series-

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N1 Thermocoupler Version 2_For N Series

N1 Led Bar Assembly_For N Series-

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N1 Led Bar Assembly_For N Series

N2 Led Bar Assembly_For N Series-

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N2 Led Bar Assembly_For N Series


On platform- refers to dropping the model on the build plate.

Ooze– a setting group under Advanced Settings where you can modify settings to control oozing to achieve better print quality

Outer Shell Speed– refers to the printing speed for the outer shell of the model.

Outer shell wipe distance– refers to the nozzle wipe distance at the end of the outer shell.

Outer shell wipe distance

Outer shell wipe speed– refers to the printer head movement speed at the end of the outer shell.

Overhang Angle– refers to the value which decides whether the model needs support or not. If the real overhang angle is smaller than this value, support will not be generated.

Overhang Shells Detection– with this function enabled, the system will detect the structure of overhang shells automatically

Overhang Shells Speed-refers to the printing speed for the overhang shells structure.


Pause At Height- “means that the printer will automatically suspend a print job at the defined height. You can do several operations such as changing filament and resume the print then. You can define the height by clicking the Add Pause Point button. And delete the defined height by selecting the value in the right box and clicking the Remove Pause Point button. Note: This height doesn’t include Raft.”

Per Model extruder– with this function, you can assign different models to different extruders.

Pillar Size- refers to the size of each pillar in support.

Place seam on– refers to placing the seam on the specified corner of the shells. There are four types in all: None, Reflex or Convex Corner, Reflex Corner, and Convex Corner.

Plastic Hinge Black_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Plastic Hinge Black_For N and Pro2 Series

Power Switch_For E2-

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Power Switch_For E2

Platform Additions– “Platform Addition refers to whether the Raft/Brim/Skirt needs to be added or not, there are six options in all. The None refers to not printing Raft/Brim/Skirt for model.

The Skirt is loop(s) of plastic extruded around the first layer of the model to ensure a steady flow for the model.

The Raft is composed of a few layers placed on the printing surface before the model is printed to help a model stick to the printing surface.

The Brim layer will only print a single layer placed on the first layer of the model which allows for better adhesion to the printing surface.”

Print external shells first- refers that with this function enabled software will print external shells first then print internal shells.

Print parts in the same order for each layer- refers that the models will be printed under a specific order in each layer. And the specific orders depend on models import order.

Print Shells in Optimum Order- refers that with this function enabled the shells would be printed with optimizing order for reducing the travels paths and retractions.

Print solid fill in in 100% infill– refers that with this function enabled, the infill regions will be printed as solid fill with solid fill settings if Infill Density is 100%.

Print infill first–  refers to with this function enabled the slicer will print infill first then print shells.

Power Resume Module_For N Series-

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Power Resume Module_For N Series

Power Switch_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Power Switch_For N and Pro2 Series

Power Supply Unit_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Power Supply Unit_For N and Pro2 Series

Pro2 3D Printer –

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Pro2 3D Printer

Pro2 Plus 3D Printer

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Pro2 Plus 3D Printer

Premium ABS Filament _ Black

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Premium ABS Filament _ Black

Premium ABS Filament _ Grey-

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Premium ABS Filament _ Grey

Premium ABS Filament _ White

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Premium ABS Filament _ White

Premium PLA Filament _ Red

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Premium PLA Filament _ Red

Premium PLA  Filament_ Black

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Premium PLA  Filament_ Black

Premium PLA Filament_ Yellow

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Premium PLA Filament_ Yellow

Premium PLA Filament_ White-

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Premium PLA Filament_ White

Premium PLA Filament _ Orange-

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Premium PLA Filament _ Orange

Premium PLA Filament_ Blue

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Premium PLA Filament_ Blue

Premium PC Filament _ White

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Premium PC Filament _ White

Premium PC Filament _ Black-

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Premium PC Filament _ Black

Premium PC Filament _ Transparent-

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Premium PC Filament _ Transparent

Premium PETG Filament _ Black

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Premium PETG Filament _ Black

Premium PVA Filament _ Pure

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Premium PVA Filament _ Pure

Pro2 Air Filter_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Air Filter_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Accessory Box Kits_For Pro2 Plus-

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Pro2 Accessory Box Kits_For Pro2 Plus

Pro2 X Axis Position Limit Trigger_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 X Axis Position Limit Trigger_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Z Axis Position Limit Trigger Assembly- For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Z Axis Position Limit Trigger Assembly- For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Build Plate with Protector_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Build Plate with Protector_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Black Plastic Top Brim_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Black Plastic Top Brim_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Black Plastic Bottom Brim_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Black Plastic Bottom Brim_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Bottom Bracing Tube_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Bottom Bracing Tube_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Brass Nozzle V2_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Brass Nozzle V2_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Camera Assembly-Pin Out Version_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Camera Assembly-Pin Out Version_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Dual Extruder_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Dual Extruder_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Door_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Door_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Filament Run-out Cover_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Filament Run-out Cover_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Plus Door_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Plus Door_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Endstop Limit Switch Board_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Endstop Limit Switch Board_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 EndStop Limit Switch Cable For_Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 EndStop Limit Switch Cable For_Pro2 Series

Pro2 Extruder Carrier_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Extruder Carrier_For Pro2 Series

Extruder Cable Extender_For Pro2 Series.

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Extruder Cable Extender_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Camera Cable_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Camera Cable_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Extruder Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Extruder Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Extruder Connection Board_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Extruder Connection Board_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Extruder Front Cooling Fan_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Extruder Front Cooling Fan_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor Control Board_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor Control Board_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor Cable_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Filament Run-out Sensor Cable_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heated Bed_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Heated Bed_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heated Bed Temperature Sensor Cable_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Heated Bed Temperature Sensor Cable_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heated Bed Power Cable_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Heated Bed Power Cable_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heating Block_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Heating Block_For Pro2 Series

Pro Series Heated Bed Assembly_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro Series Heated Bed Assembly_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heated Bed Wire Connector_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Heated Bed Wire Connector_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Heated Bed Adjustment Screws_For Pro2 Series.

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Pro2 Heated Bed Adjustment Screws_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Hot End Assembly_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Hot End Assembly_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Left Model Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Left Model Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Left Hot End Fixing Mount_For Pro 2 Series-

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Pro2 Left Hot End Fixing Mount_For Pro 2 Series

Pro2 Left Metal Bottom Handle_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Left Metal Bottom Handle_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Motion Controller Board_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Motion Controller Board_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Nozzle Lifting Driving Gear_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Nozzle Lifting Driving Gear_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Touch Screen Power Supply Cable_ For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Touch Screen Power Supply Cable_ For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Ribbon Cable Secure Clip_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Ribbon Cable Secure Clip_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Right Hot End Fixing Mount_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Right Hot End Fixing Mount_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Nozzle Lifting Assembly_For Pro2 Series.

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Pro2 Nozzle Lifting Assembly_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Nozzle Lifting System Control Board Cover_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Nozzle Lifting System Control Board Cover_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Nozzle Lifting System Control Board-

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Pro2 Nozzle Lifting System Control Board

Pro2 Package Kits_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Package Kits_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Plus Package Kits_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Plus Package Kits_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Right Model Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series

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Pro2 Right Model Cooling Fan Cover_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Right Plastic Fastening for Bottom Brim_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Right Plastic Fastening for Bottom Brim_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Stepper Driver_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Stepper Driver_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Steering Engine-

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Pro2 Steering Engine

Pro Teflon Throat Tube_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro Teflon Throat Tube_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Motor Cable-

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Pro2 Motor Cable

Pro2 Ribbon Cable-

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Pro2 Ribbon Cable

Pro2 Steering Engineer Cable- 

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Pro2 Steering Engineer Cable

Pro2 Throat Tube_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Throat Tube_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 Touchscreen Assembly_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Touchscreen Assembly_For Pro2 Series

Pro2 USB Cable-

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Pro2 USB Cable

Pro 2 X/Y Stepper Driver Cables for Pro2 series

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Pro 2 X/Y Stepper Driver Cables for Pro2 series

Pro2 Y Axis Position Limit Trigger_For Pro2 Series-

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Pro2 Y Axis Position Limit Trigger_For Pro2 Series

PTFE Feeding Tube_For N Series

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PTFE Feeding Tube_For N Series



Raft- The Raft is composed by a few layers placed on the printing surface before the model is printed to help a model stick to the printing surface.

Raft- The Raft is composed of a few layers placed on the printing surface before the model is printed to help a model stick to the printing surface.

Raft Gap From Model- refers to the gap between the last layer of the raft and the first layer of the model.

Raft Lines Type- refers to the infill pattern for the raft.

Raft Offset- refers to the distance between the model and extra raft area around it.

Raft Overrides– with this function enabled, the below settings will be used to override settings in slicing templates when the raft is enabled.

Rear Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Rear Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series

Right Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Right Shaft_For N and Pro2 Series

Rectilinear- refers to the filling structure printed with a continuous moving path.

Restart speed– refers to the extruder speed when the filament is extruded out after the retraction.

Restart speed of extruder-switch- refers to the extrusion speed after the retraction for an extruder change.

Retraction- to withdraw the filament back for a short distance to control oozing.

Retraction amount of extruder-switch refers to the amount of filament retraction for an extruder change. 0 refers to no retraction at all.

Retraction material amount– refers to the amount of retraction. Setting the value to be 0 means that there is no retraction at all.

Retraction speed- refers to the extruder speed for the retraction. A higher retraction speed works better. But it can lead to filament grinding when the speed is too high.

Retraction speed of extruder-switch refers to the speed of retraction when extruder switch.

Right Extruder– the extruder on the right side of the printer.

Right Extruder Temperature- the temperature on the right extruder/hot end.


Seam Hiding– “Place Seam on refers to placing the seam on the specified corner of the shells. There are four types in all: None, Reflex or Convex Corner, Reflex Corner, and Convex Corner.

Place Seam on the nearest corner as possible refers that with this function enable the slicer will take the nearest corner to place the seam on as possible.”

Shells- the thickness of the model’s wall.

Solid Fill Expansion- solid fill expansion expands the solid fill regions by the defined distance. This feature will give better layer adhesion.

Skirt and Brim

Skirt and Brim

Skirt Loop Lines- refers to the number of skirt loops.

Skirt Offset Distance- refers to the distance between the skirt and model.

Skirt/Brim Speed- refers to the printing speed for the Skirt/Brim.

Slow Down Printing Speed- with this function enabled printing speed would be reduced to the value between current printing speed and the minimal printing speed. Note: This function only works for when a single layer used time is less than minimal layer print time.

Small features- Small Features Diameter refers to the regions of detected small features diameter is smaller than defined value will be printed with Small Features settings.

Small Features Holes Diameter refers to the shells at holes of a detected diameter that are smaller than defined value will be printed with Small Features settings.

Small Features Speed Multiplier refers to the printing speed percentage of the detected small features’ regions. For example: if the Small Features Speed Multiplier is 50%, set the Infill Speed to be 80mm/s, which means the small features’ infill regions will be printed at the speed of 40mm/s.

Small Features Infill Density with this function enabled, the infill density of detected small features area will be set as the defined value.”

Solid Base Layers refers to increased adhesion of the support structure of the below layers as the figure below.

Small features

Solid Fill– To print the model fully solid. For more information, refer to this link: https://support.raise3d.com/ideaMaker/5-1-3-4-solid-fill-15-1007.html

Spiral Vase Mode- means that the model will be printed out to be a single outline corkscrew vase structure with no retraction. This mode will transfer the model to a vase-like structure with the only outer shell, no infill, and an open-top surface. Z-axis will move slowly by spiraling upwards.

Spool Roller_For E2-

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Spool Roller_For E2

Start Slicing– prepare the G-code file for the 3d printer.

Standard Extruder Cover_For N Series- See product details.

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Standard Extruder Cover_For N Series

Support Type- refers to the structure of support. Normally refers to the support which is computed based on locality which may cause a random hang.
Pillar refers to the support which is entirely based on and computed based only pillars.

Support– structures that overhang features are printed above.

Support Extruder-the extruder assigned to print the support structure.

Support Flowrate- refers to the flow rate of printing the support structure.

Support Infill Outlines- with this function enabled, ideaMaker will print some shells surround the support.

Support Infill Type– refers to the infill pattern for the support structure.

Support Speeds– speed to print the support structure.

Switch Cable For Filament Run-Out Sensor_For N Series.

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Switch Cable For Filament Run-Out Sensor_For N Series


Thermal Protector- For N Series

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Thermal Protector- For N Series

Throat Tube_For N Series-

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Throat Tube_For N Series

Thermocoupler_For N and Pro2 Series

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Thermocoupler_For N and Pro2 Series

Thermalcoupler Cable for Heated Bed_For N Series.

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Thermalcoupler Cable for Heated Bed_For N Series

Top Cover- For N and Pro2 Series-

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Top Cover- For N and Pro2 Series

Touchsreen Board_For N Series-

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Touchsreen Board_For N Series

7-inch Touchscreen Display_For E2-

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7-inch Touchscreen Display_For E2

Top and Down Solid Fill Angle- refers that you can define the direction of each layer of the top and down solid fill structure. If you add 30, 60, 90deg, the angle of the first layer of top and down solid fill structure will be 30deg. The second layer will be 60deg. The third layer will be 90deg. The fourth layer will be back to 30deg and the angle of the following layers changes in the order.

Top Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage- refers to the percentage of solid top layers extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid top layers extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Top Solid Fill Flowrate- refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the solid part at the top of the model.

Top Solid Fill Layers- refers to the number of solid layers at the top of the model.

Top Solid Fill Pattern Type- refers to the infill pattern for the solid layers at the top of the model.

Top Solid Fill Speed– refers to the printing speed for solid top layers.

Top Surface Solid Fill- ” Top Surface Solid Fill

Top Surface Solid Fill Layer-  refers to the number of the surface solid layers at the top of the model.

Top Surface Solid Fill Flowrate– refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the surface solid part at the top of the model.

Top Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type– refers to the infill pattern for the surface solid layers at the top of the model.

Top Surface Solid Fill Speed- refers to the printing speed of the top solid layer
Touch Platform Only refers to only adding a support structure that can touch the build platform. Those located from one surface of the model to another surface of the model will not be created.

Touch Platform Only Support– refers to only adding a support structure that can touch the build platform. Those located from one surface of the model to another surface of the model will not be created.

Travel Speeds- X/Y Axis Movement Speed refers to the speed that the nozzle moves from one place to another place without printing in X and Y directions.
Z-Axis Movement Speed refers to the speed that the build plate moves at without printing in the Z direction.

Triangles- refers to the number of triangles in the model. Model faces are subdivided into triangles. A model with a higher triangle count will generally have a smoother finish but are more taxing for the software.


Uniform Scaling– refers to scaling the width, depth, and height on the same scale. The percentages beside the size show the relative scale of the original size.

Use Temperature Control List– refers that you can set different temperature values for specific layers with this option enabled. Changing the temperature by clicking the Add Temperature button and input the temperature in the right box. And delete it by selecting the value in the right box and clicking the Remove Temperature button.

USB Stick_For N and Pro2 Series-

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USB Stick_For N and Pro2 Series


Vertical offset Down Layers– refers to the offset between the bottom of the support structure and the model parts in the Z direction.

Vertical offset Top Layers– refers to the offset between the top of the support structure and the model parts in the Z direction.

V2 Hot End Assembly_For N Series-

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V2 Hot End Assembly_For N Series

V2H Nozzle 0.6 mm_For N Series-

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V2H Nozzle 0.6 mm_For N Series

V2H Nozzle 0.4 mm_ For N Series-

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V2H Nozzle 0.4 mm_ For N Series

V2H Nozzle 0.8 mm_ For N Series

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V2H Nozzle 0.8 mm_ For N Series

V2H Nozzle 0.2 mm_ For N Series

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V2H Nozzle 0.2 mm_ For N Series

V3H Nozzle 0.2 mm_For N and Pro2 Series-

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V3H Nozzle 0.2 mm_For N and Pro2 Series

V3H Nozzle 0.4 mm_For N and Pro2 Series-

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V3H Nozzle 0.4 mm_For N and Pro2 Series

V3H Nozzle 0.6 mm_For N and Pro2 Series-

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V3H Nozzle 0.6 mm_For N and Pro2 Series

V3H Nozzle 1.0 mm_For N and Pro2 Series-

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V3H Nozzle 1.0 mm_For N and Pro2 Series

V3H Nozzle 0.8 mm_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Wipe Tower- Enable Wipe Wall means when printing a model with dual-extrusion, a nozzle will print a few extra shells around the model. This wipe wall will help to clean the nozzle while printing.

Wipe Wall Mode– refers to the printing mode of Wipe Wall.

Wipe Wall Wipe Tower- refers to a block created outside of the model which is used for wiping the nozzle which is going to start a print.

World Transform refers to a global scale based on the printer’s coordinate axis.


XY Axis Motor_For N and Pro2 Series-

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XY Axis Motor_For N and Pro2 Series

X Axis Sliding Block_For N and Pro2 Series-

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X Axis Sliding Block_For N and Pro2 Series

XY Belt (open)_For N and Pro2 Series-

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XY Belt (open)_For N and Pro2 Series

XY Size Compensation for countours– refers to the compensation for the measured error of contours, especially for the expanded or shrunken object.

XY size compensation for holes– refers to the compensation for the measured error of holes.

X/Y Stepper Driver_For N Series-

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X/Y Stepper Driver_For N Series


Y Axis Sliding Block_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Y Axis Sliding Block_For N and Pro2 Series


Z Belt_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Z Belt_For N and Pro2 Series

Z hop at retraction– the nozzle will lift from the surface of the model during retraction. Normally retraction is set before the long-way movement which normally has faster-moving speed than normal printing. Z Hop can reduce the effects of nozzle scratching during a fast move. Z Hop performed refers to the selected structures that will be performed, Z Hop. All with this option selected, Z Hop will be performed anywhere during retraction.

Only at Solid Parts with this option selected, Z Hop will be performed at top and bottom solid fill layers only.

Only at Top and Bottommost Surfaces with this option selected, Z Hop will be performed at top and bottommost surface solid fill layers only, and the bottommost surfaces are not floated in the air.

Only Across Models or Supports with this option selected, Z Hop will be performed only for avoiding a collision when traveling between models and supports.

Only at Top and Bottommost Surface or Across Models and Supports with this option selected, Z Hop will be performed when printing top and bottom-most surface or across models and supports only.

Z Axis Motor_For N and Pro2 Series-

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Z Axis Motor_For N and Pro2 Series

Z Stepper Driver_For N Series

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Z Stepper Driver_For N Series